• Discussion on the use of Tangible UI and Education

  • Guidelines for TUI that were derived from considering Memory and Working Memory (Cognitive Load)

    • ① Should be multimedia/multimodal, presenting information in multiple media such as touch, hearing, and vision (images, text, etc.)
    • ② Related words should be placed in the same location, as separating them increases cognitive load
    • ③ It is better to have an easy-to-understand usage, eliminating unnecessary load (obvious)
  • (Constructivist learning Theory)

  • Implementation

  • Project an interactive map and place stamps indicating actions on it

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221238307_Towards_Utopia_Designing_tangibles_for_learning/link/540a9fba0cf2f2b29a2cd502/download #Reference Log